How to Continue Subnautica Below Zero at Rocket
This article is about Cut Content in Below Zero. Click here for information on this subject in Subnautica.
This page serves to chronicle any significant content that was cut from the final version of Subnautica: Below Zero.
Deep Arctic
The Deep Arctic was the entrance to the Methane Ice Caves Biome, and was surrounded entirely by the Arctic biome. It was going to be the original home for the cut Ice Dragon Leviathan. Not much was known about the biome before it was cut. The Deep Arctic was removed in build 15728 after the 2019 summer developer retreat, and everything below 500 meters in the biome (including the Methane Ice Caves) was completely filled in with terrain.[1]
The Fissure was a small unfinished transitional biome that connected the Purple Vents with the old Crystal Caves. Not much was known about the biome before it was removed. The Biome and the original Crystal Caves were removed in build 15728 after the 2019 summer developer retreat.[1] This biome's purpose was later filled in by the Deep Purple Vents.
A view of the fissure with fog turned off.
Frozen River
The Frozen River, as the name suggests, was a narrow chasm which a frozen river ran through. Prior to the Frostbite update, the river was a part of the original story's intro, where the player would cross through the biome as meteors rained from above. The biome is still in the game, but can only be accessed by using the jump boost of a prawn suit or by building your way up to it.
Overview, day
Overview, night
Frozen river - by Pavel Goloviy
Early sketch of the frozen river - by Pavel Goloviy
Frozen river paintover process - by Pavel Goloviy
Above water concept - by Pavel Goloviy
Frozen River Waterfall - by Pavel Goloviy
"Canyon Plant" - by Pavel Goloviy
Hoverzone 3
Hoverzone 3 was an unfinished surface biome that served as the way back to the Architect Gate Base (which at the time was known as the Architect Shield Base) during the game's final act. It had no fauna and was connected to the Fabricator Caverns via a big deep hole. The biome was one of the three original "Hover" biomes, the other two being the Glacial Basin (hoverarea) and the Arctic Spires (hoverzone2). In early access version 8 and 8.1 the entrance to the area was blocked off by a wall of crystals to stop the player from progressing further than the developers intended. It was then cut as the story no longer required that the player be kept from accessing the Architect Gate Base (formally known as the Architect Shield Base). The area was removed from the world as of build 32522 and the crystal wall has been replaced by a short tunnel leading to a dead end. Before the area was removed a Shadow Leviathan and a few crystals could be found at the entrance to the area.
Ice Sheet
The Ice Sheet was an unfinished surface biome that used to be a one-way route leading to the Arctic Kelp Forest from the Arctic Spires. The area where the biome used to reside has been filled with terrain, however, the biome ID is still in the game.
Leviathan Trench
The Leviathan Trench was a biome listed on the developer Favro during early development. It was eventually cut for unknown reasons.
Methane Ice Caves
The Methane Ice Caves would have been the deepest biome in the game at 883m deep. Before it was cut, it contained the earliest iteration of Marguerit Maida's Base (Coordinates: 1064 -595 -657), at the time a placeholder copy of Research Base Cappa, at a depth of 590m. The player meets Marguerit for the second time there. Though the biome ID is still in the game, the area was cut for unknown reasons. The Methane Ice Caves was one of the first biomes teased with concept art. The Biome was removed in build 15728 after the 2019 summer developer retreat.[1]
The base in the Methane Ice Caves
Rocket Area Shelf
The Rocket Area Shelf was the pre-release location of the Exchanger Rocket. As evidenced by the leftover biome ID, it was located near a cave in the Ice Sheet called the Rocket Cave. For progression reasons[2], the area was cut a month before release[3] and replaced with Delta Island.
kn1ghTski65 was a character that sold a passenger shuttle to Robin. He only appeared in the Frostbite update.
Maxim Plenty
Maxim Plenty was a character serving as the Director of the 4546B Vesper Mission. In the story prior to the Frostbite update, he briefly interrogates Robin on the unusual biometrics recorded from her biosample that she sent up in the Exchanger Rocket. In the Deep Dive iteration of the story, Maxim interrogates Serik Jevov, ordering him to deactivate the planetary shield, and proceeds to put Sam under arrest.
Serik Jevov
Serik "Jeff" Jevov was the main antagonist of the story prior to the Frostbite update. Jevov served as a contractor working for Alterra, alongside Robin. During the game's original introduction, he awakens Al-An and escapes into an Alterra Shuttle only to survive crash-landing in the Glacial Basin. At some point in the story, Jevov would contact Robin on an unmonitored channel informing that he could provide her information regarding her conflict with Al-An residing in her head shortly before cutting off. Sometime after acquiring Jevov's PDA, the Vesper finds him in the next sector, and alongside Robin is ordered to return to the Vesper as soon as a ship was made available. Shortly after Robin sends the Enzyme 42 sample in the Exchanger Rocket up to the Vesper Station, Jevov activates the planetary shield, intentionally destroying the rocket in the process. It is then revealed that he had released Khaara onto the station and threatened its members on board to relocate the Vesper to the nearest star system to receive a cure from his colleagues, in order to capture Al-An for himself.
The voice actor for Serik Jevov was Alexander Mercury.
Prior to the Deep Dive update, he was originally named Jo Jeffreys.
Tree Spires Coral
The Tree Spires Coral was a coral species that was never implemented into Subnautica: Below Zero. Its name would suggest that it was meant to appear in the Tree Spires, but the Tree Spires Coral was never added there.
The reason this coral species was cut is unknown.
EA1 - EA5
Act I
![]() | "VESPER: Station Zero, this is Vesper come in. ROBIN: Hi, Sam. SAM: We lost contact with Jeffreys up at the research site. ROBIN: OK, I'll check it out. SAM: Understood. ROBIN: You know, the formal bit's cute, but we shared a womb. Would it kill your career to act like we'd met before? SAM: Robin you know these conversations are monitored. ROBIN: I don't care who knows it's cute. I've been here two weeks, we've hardly spoken. SAM: Because you went straight to the planet. Find Jeffreys. Chat later. ROBIN: Yes, ma'am."
![]() | "ALIEN FACILITY: Warning: Access denied. Further efforts will be denied forcefully. Concede, Robin Goodall. ROBIN: How do you know my name?! I come in peace!"
![]() | "ROBIN: Sam, the building just powered up. It spoke to me. SAM: Are you safe? It's never done that before. ROBIN: I'm fine. No sign of Jeffreys. SAM: I've got an electrical storm on the sensors... *Thunder crack* ROBIN: I think it's already here. SAM: That cavern isn't stable. I want you to get back to- *Static* ROBIN: Sam?! Damnit!"
![]() | "PDA: Your environment is no longer safe, and your PDA has rebooted in emergency mode. Be advised: Remaining above ground will result in lethal exposure."
![]() | "SAM: Robin, come in. ROBIN: I copy! I'm out in open water. SAM: Stay where you are, I'm sending a rescue shuttle. ROBIN: No, I'm okay! I just need shelter. SAM: Fine, I'm sending a temporary habitat instead. Look up. ROBIN: Thank you, Sam. SAM: Call me when you get there."
![]() | "ROBIN: Sam, I'm at the habitat. Any word on Jeffreys? SAM: Nothing. ROBIN: And the facility? It said my name. I need to know why. SAM: I know. Make something to eat. Get equipped. I'll have answers by then. ROBIN: Will do."
Act II
![]() | "SAM: Robin, the boss wants a sitrep. ROBIN: I'm cold, I lost all my gear, and I'm no wiser to what's going on. But I'm alive. SAM: I can't authorize another drop. Hold on... There's an emergency equipment cache. Hasn't been touched since the scouts landed six months ago. Could be useful. ROBIN: Send me the coords. SAM: On your HUD."
![]() | "SAM: I've got a lead for you. An alien sanctuary in the twisty bridges, 200 meters down. ROBIN: I need to go back to the research site. SAM: I can't let you. ROBIN: Why not? SAM: Boss's orders. We're trying to keep you alive. ROBIN: Only because salaries cost less than lawsuits. SAM: Is that cynicism making you friends down there? ROBIN: Sure, they're just not human. SAM: The files are on your databank. Do as you please, just tell me what you find. And don't get me in trouble."
![]() | "SAM: I ran some scans, I got a more precise location on the alien sanctuary. Sending the coords now."
![]() | "SAM: We've got you on GPS, you're close to the sanctuary. Do you see anything? ROBIN: Some small alien structures dotted about, I'll see where they lead.
![]() | "SANCTUARY: Robin Goodall. Concede. ROBIN: I come in peace. SANCTUARY: Absence of hostility... Sufficient. ROBIN: Are you... alive? Or a computer? SANCTUARY: What is the difference? ROBIN: I... I want to meet the people who built this place. What do you want? SANCTUARY: For you to stay here. ROBIN: With you? SANCTUARY: Forever. ROBIN: Why? SANCTUARY: Your masters will seek to harness my power. ROBIN: You've met Alterra then. SANCTUARY: It is what we would do. ROBIN: People will come for me. SANCTUARY: They will also stay here. That is all. ROBIN: I waited my life for this. I'm not your enemy! Hello?!"
![]() | "SANCTUARY: Turn back. Now. ROBIN: What is this room for? SANCTUARY: Do not touch anything. You would not understand. Die peacefully."
![]() | "ALIEN FACILITY: Data must be flushed to an empty storage vessel. Searching... Storage vessel found. Commencing download. ALIEN FACILITY: Download complete. ALIEN VOICE: You have no concept for what has just occurred. ROBIN: I know it hurt. What happened?! ALIEN VOICE: Download capacity was identified in your cerebral cortex. ROBIN: You're in my head?! ALIEN VOICE: It is uncomfortable. Return me. ROBIN: Release the forcefields first. ALIEN VOICE: Return me or I will destroy your orbital station. ROBIN: Why not do it now? ALIEN VOICE: My survival chance increases if I do not draw attention. ROBIN: I don't think you have the power. I think you're scared. ALIEN VOICE: Then I will destroy you. I am experiencing technical difficulties. Do not move. Do not move. Errors. Hibernating. ROBIN: I didn't mean to scare you! *Sighs* What is happening?"
![]() | "SAM: Did you make it inside the sanctuary? ROBIN: Yup. SAM: Anything unusual? ROBIN: Like what? SAM: We're getting odd readings from your biometrics. ROBIN: Hmm...Malfunction maybe? SAM: I want to make sure. We're sending down a disposable bioscanner. Take a sample and send it up in the cargo rocket. ROBIN: Okay, I'm on it."
![]() | "ROBIN: Hey, you in there! We're in trouble. ALIEN VOICE: If you send a sample your masters will come for us. ROBIN: They'll do the same if I don't. ALIEN VOICE: Return me to the sanctuary. ROBIN: So you can trap me again? No. ALIEN VOICE: Then I will mask my presence. Initiate the scan."
![]() | "ROBIN: Sam, I've got the sample, looks normal. SAM: Okay good. Send it up ASAP. The cargo rocket should be on your HUD. ROBIN: Will do."
![]() | "ROBIN: Payload inbound, Vesper. SAM: Understood. If anything's wrong we'll come get you. Hey, why not take a couple days' R&R up here anyway? ROBIN: Why don't you take a jaunt down here? Remind yourself that life comes in colors besides white, off-white and gray. SAM: And temperatures Below Zero? No thanks. But speaking of freezing to death, if you're staying on the ice you'll need transport. ROBIN: You're trusting me with a Snow Fox?! SAM: If I can find a version of the truth that authorizes it. ROBIN: You're amazing. If you're listening Alterra, she's amazing, promote this person! SAM: Sorry, you're breaking up- ROBIN: Love you! *Sigh* Now what?"
![]() | "ALIEN VOICE: You lied to your master. ROBIN: Oh hi. Yeah, Alterra was listening, I covered our arse. And she's my sister, not my master. ALIEN VOICE: You do not trust your sister. ROBIN: Are you... Can you read my thoughts?! ALIEN VOICE: Do humans think? ROBIN: Listen, I am thrilled to meet you, and I would love to help you, but you need to get out of my head. ALIEN VOICE: If you will not return me, you must release me to another vessel. ROBIN: Love it. How? ALIEN VOICE: I am... uncertain. Your brain is restrictive. I will inform you when I process the data. ROBIN: I'll keep Alterra off our backs 'til then. ALIEN VOICE: You were more polite when we met. ROBIN: Yeah, process that. ALIEN VOICE: I will try."
![]() | "SAM: Contractor Goodall, come in. ROBIN: Why are you being cute? SAM: I have the CEO on the line. ROBIN: Oh. MAXIM: Goodall! This biosample you sent us. It appears no samples to your biometrics. ROBIN: I think- MAXIM: And the alien facility. It spoke your name?! ROBIN: That's- MAXIM: What is HAPPENING down there, Goodall?! I would ask your colleague, only he DISAPPEARED! ROBIN: I- MAXIM: Silence! Where is the other one?! SAM: Here, sir! MAXIM: If you mean to make vice president, manage your people. SAM: Yes, sir. MAXIM: (What is this, rare?! I said well-done!) ROBIN: Sir, if I could just- SAM: He's gone. ROBIN: Sam, I'm sorry. SAM: I've been in stuck in middle-management since I graduated. ROBIN: I know. I'll try harder. SAM: I have to go."
![]() | "SAM: This is Vesper calling all contractors planetside. Alterra has updated mission objectives. Please study your individual briefings. Remember, failure to deliver on objectives will result in payment deductions and/or your removal from the planet. Be safe."
![]() | "ALIEN VOICE: Processing is complete. You will build me a new vessel. ROBIN: How? What kind of vessel? ALIEN VOICE: I have not granted you permissions for that information. ROBIN: I can't help you if you don't tell me. ALIEN VOICE: Which data formats do you accept? ROBIN: Words mostly. ALIEN VOICE: I have added the information to your databank. ROBIN: Thank you... Listen, I need something to call you. ALIEN VOICE: We do not use words that way. ROBIN: I used to have a pet baawaal. I called him Ketchup. Don't make me name you too. ALIEN VOICE: You may append my seed code to the species designation. You may call me Al-An. ROBIN: I waited my whole life to meet a spacefaring alien. You're telling me your name is Alan? AL-AN: Is it insufficient? ROBIN: No. No, Al-An, it's perfect. Let me see about this vessel. NB THANKS FOR PLAYING EARLY ACCESS 1! STORY AND GAMEPLAY FROM HERE ARE VERY BROKEN UNTIL LATER UPDATES, CONTINUE AT YOUR OWN RISK!"
![]() | "PRAWN PILOT (Voice Anonymized): You again! PRAWN PILOT (Voice Anonymized): Are you sure that I'm the kinda person you want to be following? ROBIN: Who are you?! I just want to talk! PRAWN PILOT (Not Anonymised): Then your position is doubly precarious. You're lucky I have my hands full. ROBIN: Wait! PRAWN PILOT (Not Anonymised): I don't trust anyone who's too big to fight, or too greedy to buy. Alterra's both. ROBIN: I'm not Alterra! PRAWN PILOT (Not Anonymised): Don't follow me!"
The Dragonfly was a flight-capable species of Fauna that was originally intended to appear alongside the Skyray in Subnautica.
Dragonfly Concept art
Early trello image of Skyray and Dragonfly
The Dragonfly as shown in the Subnautica Early Access trailer
Hover Lizard
The Hover Lizard was a small land creature that was planned to appear in the Glacial Basin.[4] It was created by a member of Fox3D Entertainment as a side project, without prior discussion with the developers. Before ever actually appearing in the game, it was added to the developers' Favro as a cut candidate, and it ultimately went unused. Its model was once viewable on Sketchfab, but it has since been disabled.
Ice Dragon
The Ice Dragon was a leviathan class predator designed by Alex Ries.[5]
It remained as a cut candidate for some time on the Favro, before being cut soon after the summer 2019 developer retreat due to its home biome also being cut.[6]
Ice Dragon early sketch by Alex Ries, once known as a "Pinnacarid Leviathan"
Ice Dragon early sketch by Alex Ries, once known as a "Frostwyrm"
Ice Dragon sketches by Alex Ries, for the wings
Concept Art by Alex Ries
Ice Dragon A by Alex Ries
Ice Dragon 11A by Alex Ries
Frontal art of the Ice Dragon by Alex Ries
Concept art for the Ice Dragon's abilities by Alex Ries
Concept art for the Ice Dragon's abilities by Alex Ries
Paintover eye tests of the 3D model by Alex Ries
Work-in-progress textured model
Kitewing Skyray
The Kitewing Skyray was an aerial predator species designed by Alex Ries. No 3D models were ever developed.
Early Kitewing Skyray - by Alex Ries (Unused)
More early Kitewing Skyrays - by Alex Ries (Unused)
Sea Emperor Leviathan
This article is about the Sea Emperor Leviathan in Below Zero. Click here for information on this subject in Subnautica.
The Sea Emperor Leviathan was a leviathan class fauna from the original Subnautica. It was intended to serve an important role in the story in Below Zero, being the source of Concentrated Enzyme 42 that Robin would send to the Vesper via the Exchanger Rocket. In early development, they were originally found in the Lilypad Islands, but at a later point were moved to the Arctic. They were cut with the introduction of the final story.
Frosted Leaves Plant
The Frosted Leaves Plant was a flora species that resembled some palm trees. A databank entry for it was obtainable at some point in Below Zero's development, but the plant itself was never able to be spawned in through console commands. It is currently unknown where the Frosted Leaves Plant was intended to be used.
Databank Entry
Frosted Leaves Plant |
Source: TBA |
Reaper's Wineglass (Curved)
These variants of the Reaper's Wineglass was curved and would have likely been found attached to wall. All Reaper's Wineglass have "lillipads" in their name suggesting these and other variants may have orignally been found in the Lilypad Islands biome.
Snake Plant
The Snake Plant was a Flora species that was never added to Below Zero. It is currently unknown where the Snake Plant was intended to be used.
Spine Plant
The Spine Plant was a flora species that could be spawned in through console commands during Below Zero's development. It is possible that the Spine Plant was meant to be aquatic, as it appears alongside other aquatic flora in its concept art. The Spine Plant can still be spawned in using the command spawn genericspine
Databank Entry
Spine Plant
Generic Plants - by Pavel Goloviy
Weird Plant
The Weird Plant was a species of Flora most likely intended to be found on land-based biomes. Based on Concept Art, the Weird Plant could have been meant to function similarly to the Fevered Pepper Tree in that it would produce fruits that the player could consume to increase their Temperature. While initially having a similar function to the Fevered Pepper Tree, the Weird Plant's model was implemented much later, and may have later been intended to have a different function at that point.
Concept art for the heat plant. Weird Plant is among other variants.
Deep Arctic Resource
The Deep Arctic Resource was used as a placeholder for potential resources in the Deep Arctic Biome. Because the Deep Arctic was scrapped, the Deep Arctic Resource was also cut.
Heating Gel
Heating Gel was an item that the player could use to increase their temperature. It was crafted with Lantern Fruit, though this may have been placeholder for the Fevered Pepper. The item was present in Supply Drops in very early versions of the game, but had no effect due to the temperature system not being implemented yet. It was removed and listed as a cut candidate, and never made it to the final release of the game.
It may be possible its role was replaced by the addition of the Cold Suit, Thermos, or even the Spicy Fruit Salad.
x2 | x2 |
Hover Zone Resource 1
The Hoverzone Resource 1 was a placeholder resource likely meant to be used in one of the three "Hover" biomes: the Glacial Basin, the Arctic Spires, or Hoverzone 3. It shared its item icon and in-game name with the Hoverzone Resource 2. Because Hoverzone 3 was scrapped and the other two "Hover" biomes never used the Hoverzone Resource 1, it was never implemented.
Hover Zone Resource 2
The Hoverzone Resource 2 was a placeholder resource likely meant to be used in one of the three "Hover" biomes: the Glacial Basin, the Arctic Spires, or Hoverzone 3. It shared its item icon and in-game name with the Hoverzone Resource 1. Because Hoverzone 3 was scrapped and the other two "Hover" biomes never used the Hoverzone Resource 2, it was never implemented.
Ice Berg Resource
The Ice Berg Resource was used as a placeholder for potential resources located on Icebergs in the East Arctic Biome. Because these Icebergs never received any unique resources, the Ice Berg Resource was cut.
Lab Equipment
Lab Equipment items were placeable items that were used purely for decoration. Their models can still be found in-game at Outpost Zero and Omega Lab, but they cannot be interacted with.
Reinforced Glass
Reinforced Glass was a material that was only used to fabricate the Prawn Suit. It was likely removed due to its limited use.
x2 | x1 |
Twisty Bridge Resource
The Twisty Bridge Resource was used as a placeholder for potential resources located in the Twisty Bridges Biome. Because the Twisty Bridges never received any unique resources, the Twisty Bridge Resource was cut.
Exchanger Rocket
The Exchanger Rocket was a structure located at the top of Rocket Island. It was a large platform hosting a rocket that was used to send items up to the Vesper. The rocket originally had to be repaired with a Repair Tool before it could be launched, and required two Titanium to create another rocket after being launched.
The Exchanger Rocket and all of the mission items that would have been placed in it were cut with the introduction of the final story and replaced with the New Communications Tower.
The Exchanger Rocket facing upwards
Far view of the rocket
The interface for the rocket
Exchanger Rocket Gantry - by Pat Presley
Methane Ice Caves Cache
The Methane Ice Caves Cache was an Architect cache located in the Methane Ice Caves. It originally contained the arm fragment of Al-An's Vessel. This cache was the deepest Architect structure in the game at a depth of roughly 880 meters.
When the Methane Ice Caves were cut, the Arms component was moved to the Deep Lilypads Cave Cache.
Research Base Cappa
Research Base Cappa was an Alterra research base located in the Lilypad Islands at a depth of 135m. The Colleague PDA could be found on a desk near a base hatch. The base was originally implemented on top of the big rock in the center of the Lilypad Islands, but was later moved to be within the rock before being renamed (see below).
Old Research Base Omega
Research Base Omega was an Alterra research base located in the Thermal Spires at a depth of 60m. It was cut period to EA3. The Outpost Omega Research Notes was originally found stuck under a desk in this location. This particular base was never added back, but Research Base Cappa was renamed to Research Base Omega, then to Outpost Omega, and then to Omega Lab.
Medical Kit Fabricator
The Medical Kit Fabricator was an Interior Module that could create First Aid Kits. It would produce one First Aid Kit every thirty minutes and would repeat the process once the player collects a finished kit. Though the blueprint is not obtainable through normal gameplay[7], it can be unlocked via the command (unlock medicalcabinet
). Medical Kit Fabricators can be found in Omega Lab and Marguerit Maida's Base, however, they are unscannable.
Mini Moonpool
The Mini Moonpool was a planned seabase module.[8] Other than being a smaller-sized Moonpool, nothing is known about it, and it was cut before being implemented into the game in any way.
The Phasegate was a buildable Interior Module that allowed the player to teleport between two built Phasegates. It used a model from Natural Selection 2, another game developed by Unknown Worlds. It was located on the developer favro as a cut candidate before being eventually removed from the game for unknown reasons. Suprisingly, it is still spawnable to this day using the spawn ID phasegate, though it will not work, unless it is built using the builder tool, which is currently impossible.
x2 | x2 |
Active phasegate
Inactive phasegate
Teleportation animation developer video
The Radio was an interior seabase module from Subnautica that would have been used to recieve and play back messages. The Radio was planned to possibly be reused for Below Zero for completely optional story content or exploration purposes. It would've lead to certain points of interests, such as tech sites.[9] It can be unlocked via the command (unlock radio
) but it serves no purpose.
The reason the Radio was cut is currently unknown.
x1 | x1 |
Recharge Platform
The Recharge Platform was an external Base Piece that shared the Foundation model and appeared to recharge vehicles. It was scrapped early in development for unknown reasons, but was possibly cut due to being redundant with the Moonpool and the Snowfox Hoverpad.
Active Recharge Platform
Inactive Recharge Platform
Staircases & Walkways
At some point in development, Staircases and Walkways like the ones seen at Outpost Zero were planned to be added to the Habitat Builder.[10] [11] For unknown reasons, most likely due to their complexity and limited utility, both base parts were cut, and are now only found in-game as part of pre-built bases. As of Stranger Pings, wall-mounted Hatches built on bases above water will automatically form stairs to the ground.
The Spotlight was a light-emitting Exterior Module that was used in the original Subnautica. When built on a seabase or foundation, the Spotlight would turn around and stop at about a 180 degree angle, then turn the other way. The spotlight would also automatically follow any fauna nearby, including the player.
The Spotlight required Energy to function and each one placed would consume three energy every three seconds, or 60 power per minute.
Originally, the blueprint for the Spotlight could be obtained by scanning a pre-built one at the entrance of Snowfox Base during the development of The Snowfox Update.
The reason for it being cut is unknown.
x1 | x2 |
Databank Entry
Spotlight |
A permanent lighting solution developed for installation on existing habitats and facilities. - Automatically rotates on a 180 degree arch |
Source: Only obtainable through Console Commands |
Wall-Mounted Foundation
The Wall-Mounted Foundation was a buildable Seabase component and variant of the Foundation that was never introduced in the game but could have been built off the sides of natural walls either under or above water. It was never introduced into the game and was left as a cut candidate, and was never added before the official release of the game, however recently they were temporarily readded into the experimental version of the game, and currently it is known that they were in Experimental Version 48597, as seen in a video by a youtuber named Aci, however they were removed for unknown reasons. Its likely that they were re-added in by mistake, however they could be trying to re-add this cut buildable.
x2 | x2 |
The Wall-Mounted Foundation above-ground.
The Wall-Mounted Foundation underwater.
Weather Station

Weather balloon icon
The Weather Station was a buildable room that would likely have allowed the player to predict incoming weather events, such as snow or rain. The Weather Station came equipped with a Weather Balloon, which the player may have used as a primary function of the room. Ultimately, the station was scrapped[12]. Three components of the Weather Station are spawnable using in game commands: the Weather Station (item weatherstation
), Weather Panel (item weatherpanel
), and Weather Balloon (item weatherballoon
Al-An's perception
When the player was approaching Architect Artifacts and Architect Bases, light waves will appear on the screen that is Al-An sensed them.
Al-An's Vessel (Old)
In earlier versions of the story, Al-An's Vessel was originally composed of four different components: the Head, the Arms, the Legs, and the Power Source. None of these parts received final models and instead used Alien Relics from the original Subnautica as placeholders.
The Arm component was originally found in the Methane Ice Caves Cache, and was moved to the Deep Lilypads Cave Cache after the methane ice caves were cut. It used the model of the Alien Rifle as its placeholder.
This component eventually got replaced by the Skeleton component in the final story.
The Head component was originally found in the Arctic Spires Cache. It used the model of the Doomsday Device as its placeholder.
This component eventually got replaced by the Tissue component in the final story.
The Leg component was originally found at a small outpost in the Tree Spires made by Marguerit Maida. It was likely that the legs were stolen from the Fabricator Base in the old story. It used the model of the Alien Building Block as its placeholder.
Unlike the other three components, this component never received a counterpart in the final story.
Power Source
The Power Source component was originally found in the Crystal Caves Cache. It used the model of the Tracking Implant as its placeholder.
This component was eventually replaced by the Organs in the final story.
Alterra All-Environment Protection Suit

Robin equipped with Alterra's All-Environment Protection Suit
The Alterra All-Environment Protection Suit was originally the suit that Robin wore before her role was changed from an Alterra Contractor to a Xenoworker in the final story.
Alterra Shuttle

The Alterra Shuttle near the Research Base Zero

The crashed Alterra Shuttle in the Glacial Basin
The Alterra Shuttle, or Escape Ship, was a vehicle found on a platform near Outpost Zero. While Robin made her way back to Research Base Zero, the shuttle could be seen taking off. Robin would later find out that Serik Jevov piloted the shuttle and crash-landed in the Glacial Basin. The player could find the crashed Alterra Shuttle on a platform near the Snowfox Base.
Prior to the Deep Dive Update, a Neptune Escape Rocket model was used as a placeholder for the shuttle. The shuttle did not take off at this point in development, and was simply buried along with the rest of the base.
Architect Tablet Terminal
Architect Tablet Terminal were terminals that served as locks for the many forcefield gates that were once prevalent throughout Architect Bases. They would not open unless the player had the correct Alien Tablet, blocking player progression. These terminals were made obsolete with the introduction of the final story, as Al-An could now simply deactivate these forcefields for the player.
Codes were four-digit number sequences required to gain entry to some mandatory and optional story-related locations. Below are all codes that have been used at various points throughout Below Zero's development.
4242 (Alien Research Site Zero)
6295 (Engine room admin office in the Crashed Ship)
2247 (Marguerit Maida's Base)
1679 (Research Base Omega)
Colleague PDA
The Colleague PDA in Serik's Bunker was originally an item that Robin would pick up and send to the Vesper via the Exchanger Rocket. It was later changed to an interactive object that would be transmitted directly to the Vesper upon pickup. The item can still be spawned using the command item colleaguepda1
Concentrated Enzyme 42
Concentrated Enzyme 42 was originally a story item acquired from the Sea Emperor Leviathan. Later in the story, Sam would request Robin to send up a sample of Enzyme 42 because their supplies deteriorated overnight. Shortly after Robin sent up the enzyme in the Exchanger Rocket, it would collide with the planetary shield activated by Serik Jevov, destroying the enzyme during the process.
Data Chips
Data Chips were portable versions of the chips found inside Data Boxes. Unlike Data Boxes, once obtained, they could give both blueprints and databank entries. During the original story, one Data Chip could be obtained by a Supply Drop. Another could be found outside Marguerit Maida's Base in the final story.
Known Data Chip contents:
- Seatruck Depth Upgrade MK2 Blueprint
- Seatruck Depth Upgrade MK3 Blueprint
- Early photo entries of Marguerit Maida
Their reason for getting cut is unknown.
Kharaa Sample
The Kharaa Sample was originally a story item that Robin would send up to the Vesper via the Exchanger Rocket. Initially, Robin could acquire the item by knifing a placeholder model of the Frozen Leviathan. Following the Ice Worm update, Robin would extract a Khaara Sample by using a machine to extract from a Kharaa Pustle on the Frozen Leviathan. The item can still be spawned using the command item kharaasample
. It was cut with the introduction of the final story.
Old Communications Tower
The Old Communications Tower was an Alterra structure atop the Rocket Island. Robin needed to fix the tower to reestablish contact with the Vesper. Initially, it requested Purple Vent Salvage and Ship Wreck Salvage. After the release of the Deep Dive update, it requested an Advanced Wiring Kit and Ship Wreck Salvage. It was replaced by the New Communications Tower between the Frostbite update and Salad Days update.
Outpost Omega Research Notes
The Outpost Omega Research Notes in Research Base Omega were originally an item that Robin would pick up and send to the Vesper via the Exchanger Rocket. They was later changed to an interactive object that would be transmitted directly to the Vesper upon pickup, before being removed entirely with the introduction of the final story. The item can still be spawned using the command item alterraprecursorresearchnotes
Precursor Fish Skeleton
The Precursor Fish Skeleton was a cut skeleton. The item could be spawned using the command item precursorfishskeleton
. But the item can not be spawned by using the command "spawn".
Precursor Lab Cache Container 1
The Precursor Lab Cache Container 1 was a cut lab equipment in a Precursor Base. The item could be spawned using the command item precursorlabcachecontainer1
. But the item can not be spawned by using the command "spawn".
Precursor Lab Cache Container 2
The Precursor Lab Cache Container 2 was a cut lab equipment in a Precursor Base. The item could be spawned using the command item precursorlabcachecontainer2
. But the item can not be spawned by using the command "spawn".
Precursor Lab Table
The Precursor Lab Table was a cut lab equipment in a Precursor Base. The item could be spawned using the command item precursorlabtable
. But the item can not be spawned by using the command "spawn".
Precursor Scanner
The Precursor Scanner was a cut tool of Precursor. The item could be spawned using the command item precursorscanner
. But the item can not be spawned by using the command "spawn".
Precursor Sensor
The Precursor Sensor was a cut tool of Precursor. The item could be spawned using the command item precursorsensor
. But the item can not be spawned by using the command "spawn".
Precursor Sea Dragon Skeleton
The Precursor Sea Dragon Skeleton was a cut skeleton that is dead Sea Dragon remain. The item could be spawned using the command item precursorseadragonskeleton
. But the item can not be spawned by using the command "spawn".
Precursor Warper
The Precursor Warper was a cut creature which Jo Jeffreys mentioned in the story in EA1-EA5. The item could be spawned using the command item precursorwarper
. But the item can not be spawned by using the command "spawn".
Purple Tablet
The Purple Tablet was an item that could be used to disable forcefields bound to terminals marked with the tablet's symbol. In Below Zero, the Purple Tablet could grant Robin access to a cache containing three Large Ion Cube Deposits. Prior to the Frostbite update, the tablet unlocked the Arctic Spires Cache instead. The Purple Tablet is featured and used frequently in Subnautica, and it was likely cut from Below Zero due to most forcefields unlocking upon approach as a result of Al-An's presence within Robin's head. The tablet can still be spawned via the command item precursorkey_purple
Eight Fragments for the Purple Tablet could be found in the Arctic Spires.
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Purple Vents Salvage
Purple Vents Salvage was an item that was required to repair the Communications Tower. The salvage was found in the Purple Vents among scattered debris, and later behind a panel in the third section of the Mercury II, requiring a Laser Cutter to access it. Eventually, it was removed for unknown reasons and the repair was changed to instead require an Advanced Wiring Kit until that was changed with the introduction of the final story.
The salvage is still spawnable using the command item rocketradiotowersalvage2
Ship Wreck Salvage
Ship Wreck Salvage was a initially a companion item to Purple Vents Salvage and was also required to repair the Communications Tower. It was found in the engine room of the rear section of the Mercury II wreck, behind a panel that had to be cut open with a Laser Cutter. Later the Purple Vents Salvage was changed into a second Ship Wreck Salvage and the repair changed to require one Ship Wreck Salvage and an Advanced Wiring Kit: the duplicate had no other in-game function and simply provided an alternative way to acquire the item.
Both Ship Wreck Salvages were removed with the introduction of the final story, later replaced with scanning Parallel Processing Units.
Supply Drop

A closed Supply Drop (above) and an opened Supply Drop (below)
Supply Drops were large crates deployed by the Vesper following various milestones after Robin repaired the Communications Tower. They would provide items helpful or necessary for progression. The Supply Drop mechanic was cut with the introduction of the final story, though the supply crate model itself is still used in-game as scenery such as in a Tech Site located in the Arctic Kelp Forest, a Seatruck Wreck in the Purple Vents, in the opening intro, and Omega Lab.
They can still be spawned in-game by using the command spawn suppplydrop
. When spawned, it will have its parachute open and will create a ping on the players map. It will always hold a empty PDA and a Data Box.
Databank Entry
Supply Drop |
Source: Scan a Supply Drop |
Vesper Station
Vesper Station, or Space Station Vesper, was an Alterra orbital station that was used for monitoring activity on 4546B (Sector Zero specifically). Sam was stationed on board the Vesper, serving as a personnel manager. Shortly after the introduction of the original story, the Vesper is hit by a meteor, causing a temporary loss of communication between Robin and Sam. After repairing the Communications Tower and reestablishing communication, the Vesper would send down Supply Drops.
After the introduction of the final story, the Vesper was repurposed as a satellite and can only be seen in the introductory cutscene. It was referred to as the "Sentinel" in the Frostbite update.
White Tablet
The White Tablet was a story item that was used to access the Architect Gate Base. Prior to the Ice Worm update, it was a placeholder Orange Tablet that could be acquired from the older incarnation of Marguerit Maida's Base located in the Methane Ice Caves. The White tablet is still spawnable via the command item precursorkey_white
. The White Tablet was first planned to be used in the first Subnautica, but was cut from that game as well.
Tools & Equipment
The Bioscanner was a story tool that Robin used to extract a biosample from her own body to send to the Vesper after Sam tells her that her biometrics are abnormal, which occurred immediately after resurfacing from Sanctuary Zero. The Bioscanner used the old Transfuser model and icon, and was cut with the introduction of the final story.
Deployable Drill
The Deployable Drill was a tool that could be used to break frozen resources out of large blocks of ice found on the land. The item was to be damageable by bad weather conditions. This item would have likely served a role in Act II of the story. The Drill was cut being cited as Obsolete Tech along with various other items serving no game play use leftover from earlier versions.[13] The Drill item is still spawnable using the command item deployabledrill
Fire Extinguisher
The Fire Extinguisher was a piece of Equipment from the original Subnautica that would have been used to put out fires. When used underwater, it would push the player in the opposite direction of where they aimed. At some point in development, the Fire Extinguisher was listed as a Cut Candidate on the developer favro,[14] and was eventually cut from the game.
The reason this item was cut is unknown, although it is possible that this was due to there being only a few places in-game where it would have made sense to be useful.
Lightweight High Capacity Tank
The Lightweight High Capacity Tank was a piece of equipment and an upgrade to the High Capacity O₂ Tank that featured in the original Subnautica. It would have been crafted at the Modification Station.
Just like the High Capacity O₂ Tank, it boosted Robin Ayou's oxygen supply by 90 units for a total of 135 units. However, it had a lower weight than the High Capacity O₂ Tank, which allowed for a smaller penalty to movement speed while retaining the bonus of an increased Oxygen supply.
The player would have equipped the Lightweight High Capacity Tank in the tank slot of the Paperdoll UI in order to benefit from it. While not equipped, it took up six slots (2×3) in the inventory.
The reason this item was cut is unknown.
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Remote Scanner
The Remote Scanner was a planned craftable tool. Its intended function is unknown.
Repulsion Cannon
The Repulsion Cannon was a tool and a sidegrade to the Propulsion Cannon that could be crafted at the Modification Station. While the Repulsion Cannon cannot pick up items like the Propulsion Cannon can, it pushes objects away with much more force and for a longer distance than the Propulsion Cannon can.
The Repulsion Cannon could be used to repel aggressive fauna, including extremely large creatures. Another use was to push debris.
It used to be found in Sea Monkey Nests, but was swapped with the Prawn Suit Grappling Arm.
The reason this item was cut is unknown.
The Repulsion Cannon was powered by a Battery or Ion Battery. Each shot used 4 units of its Battery's energy. Its Battery could be replaced by pressing R. The Swim Charge Fins could have also been used to recharge its Battery.
The Repulsion Cannon was crafted in the Modification Station.
Databank Entry
Repulsion Cannon |
The repulsion cannon is a modification of the base propulsion cannon which enhances its propulsion effect at the cost of the ability to draw objects closer. It can be fabricated using a modification station, and is commonly employed in self-defense, and as a less-than-lethal firearm. |
Source: Only obtainable through Console Commands |
Stasis Rifle
The Stasis Rifle was a tool that could be crafted with the Fabricator. It would occupy four slots in the player's inventory. When fired, the projectile would continue in a straight-forward line until it either hit a target or dissipated. Upon contact with a surface or creature, the projectile would turn into a Stasis Orb, the radius of which depending on how much you charged the weapon.
The Stasis Rifle was fully implemented in Subnautica and was included in early builds of Below Zero with fragments present in the Thermal Spires and the Twisty Bridges, but was later removed because of it being too overpowered.[15]
Ultra Glide Fins
The Ultra Glide Fins were a piece of equipment and an upgrade for the Fins that could've been fabricated using the Modification Station. They were twice as fast as regular fins, allowing Robin to swim 30% faster than she could without them.
The player would have equipped the Ultra Glide Fins in the feet slot of the paperdoll UI in order to benefit from it. While not equipped, they took up four slots (2×2) in the inventory.
The reason this item was cut is unknown.
The Hoverboard was an item that was never mentioned on the Developer Favro, but appeared in-game through console commands. It had no model and used the Seaglide item icon. Despite having no interactions, it can be assumed that the Hoverboard would have been used to traverse the land in a similar fashion to the Snowfox, which it was likely scrapped in favour of. It is spawnable in-game using the command "item hoverboard
Dev video of the Hovercraft

Concept art containing the Hovercraft
The Hovercraft was a concept vehicle developed very early in 2018. Although it never made it into a public version of Subnautica: Below Zero, it was fairly far along in developed behavior, including a control system, some animations, and particle effects. A video listed here shows it in use in a very early version of the arctic terrain. It would have been very similar to the Snowfox had it been added.
Seatruck Reversing Camera

The Seatruck's reversing camera
The Seatruck HUD previously included a small reversing camera which appeared automatically when the vehicle was backing up. When it was implemented, it showed only terrain, with none of the various "underwater" effects applied to it, and it would be blocked entirely if the final module was a Seatruck Docking Module with a Prawn Suit attached. It was likely cut due to it being too resource-intensive to render both a front and rear view with proper water effects: at present there is no replacement for it.
Seatruck Planter Module

Inside the module
The Seatruck Planter Module was a Seatruck module that would have been a mobile space for the player to grow plants inside their Seatruck. The model, when it could still be accessed, only had a bare interior with a single Plant Pot in the center. Fragments of the module (visually, placeholder Seatruck Aquarium Module fragments) spawned in the vicinity of Margurit's Base in many later builds (including around the edges of the Tree Spires and Deep Purple Vents biomes), but due to missing setting files the module could not be built even if the required number were scanned, and the "unlock" command would not provide a Blueprint. These Fragments were finally removed from the game in build 29886.
Seatruck Energy Efficiency Upgrade
The Seatruck Energy Efficiency Upgrade was a Seatruck upgrade which decreased the vehicle's power use when moving.
This item was crafted with the Fabricator or the Vehicle Upgrade Console.
Seatruck Heat Recharging Upgrade
The Seatruck Heat Recharging Upgrade was a potential Seatruck upgrade. As its name suggests, if this upgrade were to be installed, the Seatruck would recharge power around heat sources such as lava geysers.[16]
The reason this upgrade was cut is unknown.
Seatruck Thruster Upgrade
The Seatruck Thruster Upgrade was an unfinished Seatruck upgrade. Before being cut, it would've increased the Seatruck's maneuverability at the cost of energy efficiency.[17]
The reason this upgrade was cut is unknown.
Engine Efficiency Module
The Engine Efficiency Module was a Prawn Suit Upgrade which increased the power efficiency of the Prawn Suit.
The Engine Efficiency Module recycled heat by-product to minimize power inefficiencies. Each Module reduced power use by 15% and could be stacked with up to four modules resulting in a maximum power efficiency of 60%.
This item was crafted in the Vehicle Upgrade Console.
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Hull Reinforcement
The Hull Reinforcement was an upgrade for the Prawn Suit.
It provided the Prawn Suit a permanently hardened chassis before collision, eliminating damage under normal conditions.
Defense Value
- 1 Hull Reinforcement -50% damage taken
- 2 Hull Reinforcements -75% damage taken
- 3 Hull Reinforcements -87.5% damage taken
This only affected damage from collision with terrain. Other sources of damage such as aggressive fauna did full damage.
This item was crafted in the Vehicle Upgrade Console.
Clear Skies
Clear Skies is a weather type in which neither snow nor rain falls, and the clouds are mostly cleared away. This type of weather was scrapped in favor of lighter weather events, such as light snow.[18] Clear skies can still be initiated using the command weatherevent clearskies
Cold was a weather type almost identical to the Clear Skies and Calm weather events. It was previously triggerable using the command weatherevent cold
but its data has since been removed.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Developer Checkins: Build 15728
- ↑ Favro Card: Adjust world for latest story draft
- ↑ Favro Card: Rocket Area Shelf (CUT)
- ↑ Favro Card: Hover Lizard
- ↑ All of Alex Ries' designs
- ↑ Cory Strader: Ice Dragon was cut because it would have been a lot of work, and there wasn't really a good spot in the world for it, anymore, since we also cut the area is was originally going to be in
- ↑
- ↑ Favro Card: Mini Moonpool
- ↑ Favro Card: Radio (Re-integration)
- ↑ Favro Card: Base Component - Walkways
- ↑ Favro Card: Base Component - Staircases
- ↑ Favro Card: Weather Room
- ↑ [1]
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ Favro Card: Seatruck Heat Recharging Upgrade
- ↑ Favro Card: Seatruck Thruster Upgrade
- ↑ Favro Card: Eliminate clear skies in favor of light weather.
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